University Sultan Zainal Abidin Terengganu, Malaysia
A New Approach in Educational Activities with Augmented Reality (Ar) For Special Needs Children in Malaysia
Dr.Nor Farizal Mohammed
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Preliminary study on anti-corruption education in Malaysian educational institutions.
Dr.Jens Hirt
Hochschulen Fresenius für Wirtschaft und Medien GmbH, Germany
Emotion regulation and morality
Prof.Tamas Bereczkei
Inst. of Psychology, University of Pécs, Hungary
Machiavellians, the clever decision-makers
Dr.Gkatsa Tatiani
University of Ioannina, Greece
Model Psychosocial Intervention for children and adolescents in the three phases of the Pandemic
Undergraduate students’ personality traits: relationship with students’ gender and parental socioeconomic factors
Dr.Eric Orlando Rogers
Bethune Cookman University, USA
It’s Complicated: Complexities and Crises Amidst African American Cultural Plasticity In the Face of Death, Grief and Mourning in Communities of Color
Dr.Mariam Albadi
University of Nizwa, Oman
Representations of the Self and the Western Other in Omani Narrative
Dr.Meryem Geçimli
Kahramanmaraş İstiklal University, Faculty of Engineering Architecture and Design, Department of Interior Architecture, Turkey
The use of sustainability values in advertisements of housing projects: A Turkish case
Dr.Zerrad Jaouad
National School Of Business And Management, Morocco
Dynamique de la communication de pouvoir et professionnalisation du pouvoir de la communication en milieu professionnel : dispositifs, stratégies et limites
Ms.Saima Najib Chaudry
Govt, Guru Nanak Associate College for Women, Nankana Sahib, Pakistan
Lovers to Strangers: The Dynamics of Intimate Relationship Loss in André Aciman’s Call Me by Your Name
Ms.Setayesh Karami
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
The concept of self-consciousness in phenomenological psychology and its role in handling painful psychological experiences
Mr.Rudrasavarna Dutta
Jadavpur University, India
A Comparative Analysis Of Bentham’s Theory Of Utilitarianism and Gross National Happiness Index : An Overview
Mrs.Zhichun Yu
Green Hope High School, USA
Do We Inherit or Create Our Personalities? A Review and Analysis of the Evidence
Ms.Lea Pölczman
Semmelweis University, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Hungary
’I will be able to put this experience to good use when I will be working in healthcare’: A focus group study of students’ experience of a mentoring program
Ms.Ecehan Aygül Gönül
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Are there biases in designs of biometric technologies?
Ms.Nitya Ann Eapen
CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, India
The Role of Handedness in the Perception of Hierarchical Stimuli in Specific Hemifields: Comparison Across Readers and Non-Readers
Ms.Anne Sophie Puers
Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, University of Cologne, Germany
It’s the attitude, stupid! How political attitudes predict youth activism in liberal and illiberal democracies
Ms.Paulina Schindler
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Concept of an agent-based simulation of the spread of quantum computer-safe encryption measures
Mrs.Esther Nieto Moreno De Diezmas
University Of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
The effect of service-learning programs on English language learning motivation: An empirical study in secondary school
Mr.Anthony Swaray Domawa
Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), University of Sierra Leone
A Case Study of Eastern Technical University-Kenema Evaluates the Effect of Polytechnics in Creating the Middle-Manpower of Human Capital Development in Sierra Leone
Mr.Jodie Arrington-Franklin
John Brown University, USA
Behavioral Effects of Crisis and Suicide Volunteering
Ms.Wiwik Suprafti
BINUS School Bekasi, Indonesia
Online Bibliotherapy to Help Manage Stress and Anxiety of Students During Pandemic: Librarians and Guidance Counselors Collaboration Practical Review
Virtual Session
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