Category: Abstract of 10th Round

The European orientation of Georgia

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF The European orientation of Georgia Emzar Pazhava ABSTRACT: The European orientation of Georgia from ancient times until today is discussed in the work. Every important issue, which took place during this part of the history is briefly reviewed ...

Reconsidering Learning-oriented Assessment in Design Education: Challenges and Opportunities

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF Reconsidering Learning-oriented Assessment in Design Education: Challenges and Opportunities Derya Yorgancıoğlu ABSTRACT: This study re-contextualizes the debates on the challenges and opportunities of assessment in design education into the broader context of the literature on assessment in higher ...

A Bystander Behaviour Model in bullying situations

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF A Bystander Behaviour Model in bullying situations Yuriko Isada, Nobuko Igaki and Aiko Shibata ABSTRACT: In this paper, the behaviour of bystanders is analysed. It is said that the structure of bullying consists of three parties, namely “bullies” ...

Justice versus Equality: governmental discourse regarding gender

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF Justice versus Equality: governmental discourse regarding gender Maria Pilar Milagros Garcia ABSTRACT: After the 1990s, Turkey has experienced various legal reforms to improve gender equality, including the Law for the protection of the family, law 4320, in 1998 ...

The influence of Internet in the Increased Suicides among Young Male Homosexuals

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF The influence of Internet in the Increased Suicides among Young Male Homosexuals Marcelo Pombo Novaes Fernandes ABSTRACT: The figures on suicide among young people have been increasing in most countries around the world, specially among LGBTI people. Some ...

The Portrayal of Ideal Beauty both in the Media and in the Fashion Industry and How These Together Lead to Harmful Consequences Such as Eating Disorders

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF The Portrayal of Ideal Beauty both in the Media and in the Fashion Industry and How These Together Lead to Harmful Consequences Such as Eating Disorders Dr. Gülçin İpek Kalender ABSTRACT: In today’s world, women are frequently exposed ...

The Techno-Pleasure Society

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF The Techno-Pleasure Society Dr. Asher Jospe ABSTRACT: Human society is undergoing radical changes in recent decades. The technology progress has brought about unprecedented capability of mankind to dominate nature. This turn of events leads to the question whether ...

Cak Nun, Maiyah, and Fandom: Cultural Participation Perspective

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF Cak Nun, Maiyah, and Fandom:Participatory Culture Perspective Rony K. Pratama ABSTRACT: The emergence of Maiyah in the midst of the downstream community marked a new format for recitation focusing on horizontal dialectics based on contextual themes. It can ...

Assimilation among First-Generation Chinese Immigrants in 2010s: Not Adapting, but Assimilating

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF Assimilation among First-Generation Chinese Immigrants in 2010s: Not Adapting, but Assimilating Yang Lu ABSTRACT: Existing research on the assimilation process between racial/ethnic groups in the United States highlights different gender may behave differently during the process of assimilation ...

Ehma Ainun Nadjib and a Movement from the Darkness to the Light

Proceedings of ‏The 10th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences Year: 2020 DOI: Fulltex PDF Ehma Ainun Nadjib and a Movement from the Darkness to the Light Karim ABSTRACT: After two decades of Indonesia’s 1998 reformasi, a rapid process of transformation has been achieved in many different aspects of social life. Democratization, freedom ...
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